[community] Grad Student position

Jutta Treviranus jtreviranus at ocadu.ca
Thu Jul 13 17:48:58 UTC 2023

I am posting this position for Shirley McNaughton, to help support one of our co-designers in the Baby Bliss Bot project.


Part-time job opportunity for Inclusive Design student, to assist and learn with bright, social 62-year-old AAC user/Co-Designer in Baby Bliss Bot project. Work involves improving the functionality and facilitating the use of laptop, voca and i-Pad, in bed and in electric wheelchair, to participate in weekly Bliss i-Band sessions, zoom meetings, and independent use of software applications for writing and recreation. Wednesday and Friday afternoons from noon to 4:00, $25.00/hr. Location senior’s residence, Victoria Park and Eglinton, east central Toronto. Apply to Shirley McNaughton, Blissymbolics Communication Institute-Canada, shirleymcnaughton at gmail.com<mailto:shirleymcnaughton at gmail.com>.

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