[community] Community Meeting ( Jan 25 ): An artifact to aid the design of 3D printed audio-tactile graphics for blind students: a Ph.D. research

Justin Obara jobara at ocadu.ca
Mon Jan 24 13:17:22 UTC 2022

At this week’s Community Meeting<https://wiki.fluidproject.org/display/fluid/Community+workshops+and+design+crits> ( Jan 25, 2022 ), Emilia Christie Picelli Sanches will be speaking about her work on an artifact to aid the design of 3D printed audio-tactile graphics for blind students.



Emilia Sanches is a Ph.D. candidate who's coming to IDRC to develop part of her research. This community workshop intends to contextualize her research and her preliminary results. She'll briefly introduce what are 3D printed audio-tactile graphics and proceed to talk about what she is doing and what her next steps are. People are encouraged to ask questions and discuss the topic.

2:00 - 3:00pm ET

Remotely: Zoom<https://ocadu.zoom.us/j/727986784?pwd=dFp2a1dybkEyUHFSa0NyOU4wVk94Zz09>

Please visit the Inclusive Design Critiques and Workshops<https://wiki.fluidproject.org/display/fluid/Community+workshops+and+design+crits> wiki page, for more information including the schedule of upcoming events.

Contributions are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License<https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/> and follow the Fluid and Inclusive Design Community Code of Conduct<https://wiki.fluidproject.org/display/fluid/Inclusion+in+the+Fluid+Community>. (Note: some demonstrated/presented or discussed software, hardware, research, tools and etc, may have their own license.)


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