[community] FW: Amar Seva Sangam's Enabling Inclusion Child Development Webinar Series

Foster, Julia Julia.Foster at kingstonhsc.ca
Fri Jan 21 22:10:12 UTC 2022

See below for more info if relevant to your population.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Cathy Cameron <cathy.cameron at rogers.com<mailto:cathy.cameron at rogers.com>>
Date: Sun, Jan 16, 2022 at 6:15 PM
Subject: Amar Seva Sangam's Enabling Inclusion Child Development Webinar Series
To: <ICDR-L at listserv.utoronto.ca<mailto:ICDR-L at listserv.utoronto.ca>>

Dear partners

Greetings and good wishes from Enabling Inclusion team at Amar Seva Sangam.

We are very happy to announce that we are going to conduct a series of webinar on Child Development. These webinars are targeted towards rehab service providers and management of organizations working with children with disabilities.

The details of the first webinar on January 29, 2022 is given below. Registration is required for the webinar. There will be no registration fees incurred and E certificate will be provided for each webinar separately.

We need your support for circulating this mail to your contacts and other NGOs who are working for children with disabilities.


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Amar Seva Sangam's
Centre of Excellence in Child Rehab

Enabling Inclusion Child Development Webinar Series

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Dear Sir/Madam,

Greetings from Amar Seva Sangam!
We are happy to announce our Enabling Inclusion Child Development Webinar Series. This will be the first presentation in a series of free online workshops.

Crossing Barriers - The Transdisciplinary Approach to Successful Early Intervention

This workshop will focus on:

  *   Models of care that show the best evidence in early intervention.
  *   Essential elements of transdisciplinary team work.
  *   Providing a holistic approach to promote child development.

This workshop will be conducted by our Enabling Inclusion Team.

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Franzina Coutinho OT, PhD
Director of Research, Enabling Inclusion program

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Marie Brien PT, MSc
Associate Director of Research & Capacity Building,
Enabling Inclusion program

Mark your Calendar
Date:  Saturday, January 29th, 2022
Time: 10:00 -11:30 a.m. IST
Where: Zoom (Online)

Who can attend?
Rehab professionals & clinicians (PTs, OTs, Speech Therapists), Special Educators, NGO management, working with children with developmental disabilities. Academics and researchers welcome.

This workshop will be conducted in English.
There is no fee for participation.
An e-certificate will be provided upon completion of feedback form.

Registration is mandatory.

For further information, please visit our WEBSITE<https://earlyintervention.amarseva.org/webinars/?utm_source=Unknown+List&utm_campaign=2bb628aefd-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2021_10_02_12_35_COPY_02&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_-2bb628aefd-> or email<mailto:webinar.amarei at gmail.com> us.

Thanking you,

Yours in Lord’s Seva,
S. Sankara Raman
Hon. Secretary
Follow Us:

[Image removed by sender. Instagram]<https://www.instagram.com/enabling.inclusion.amar.seva/?utm_source=Unknown+List&utm_campaign=2bb628aefd-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2021_10_02_12_35_COPY_02&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_-2bb628aefd->

[Image removed by sender. Facebook]<https://www.facebook.com/early.seva?utm_source=Unknown+List&utm_campaign=2bb628aefd-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2021_10_02_12_35_COPY_02&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_-2bb628aefd->

[Image removed by sender. Twitter]<https://twitter.com/AmarEarly?s=20&utm_source=Unknown+List&utm_campaign=2bb628aefd-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2021_10_02_12_35_COPY_02&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_-2bb628aefd->

[Image removed by sender. LinkedIn]<https://www.linkedin.com/in/enabling-inclusion-amar-seva-a78b8b200?utm_source=Unknown+List&utm_campaign=2bb628aefd-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2021_10_02_12_35_COPY_02&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_-2bb628aefd->

[Image removed by sender. YouTube]<https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYV_4EuC9vkplXSKy_tvBRQ?utm_source=Unknown+List&utm_campaign=2bb628aefd-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2021_10_02_12_35_COPY_02&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_-2bb628aefd->

[Image removed by sender. Website]<https://earlyintervention.amarseva.org/?utm_source=Unknown+List&utm_campaign=2bb628aefd-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2021_10_02_12_35_COPY_02&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_-2bb628aefd->

Amar Seva Sangam is a non-profit organization which depends on grants and donations for conducting its activities. Kindly consider a voluntary, unlinked donation to support our activities.

To donate, please visit our Website<https://www.amarseva.org/donate-to-us?utm_source=Unknown+List&utm_campaign=2bb628aefd-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2021_10_02_12_35_COPY_02&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_-2bb628aefd->
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Will meet you all in the  webinar and have great days ahead.

Good Luck
With Regards

Aravind Bharathwaj
Chief Business Development, Marketing & Customer Support
Amar Seva Sangam
Mobile - +91 99947 07016
What's app - +91 99523 36943
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