[community] 4pm today: Launch of the International Network of Researches with Visual Impairments and their Allies

Foster, Julia Julia.Foster at kingstonhsc.ca
Mon Sep 27 15:13:56 UTC 2021

Hi all,

See attached a meeting for a new network of researchers with low vision, blindness, or vision loss, and their allies. Here is the registration page for the meeting or the email list<http://inovascience.org/events/inova-launch-meeting/>.
Thanks and have a good day,
Julia Foster, MScOT, OT Reg. (Ont.)
Occupational Therapist
KHSC Vision Rehabilitation Clinic<http://ophthalmology.queensu.ca/faculty/physicians/lvr>, in support of the
South East Ontario Vision Rehabilitation Service (SOVRS)
Department of Ophthalmology
Kingston Health Sciences Centre-Hotel Dieu Site
166 Brock Street, Kingston, ON K7L 5G2
Telephone:  613-544-3400 ext. 2475
Fax: 613-887-2081
Email: Julia.foster at kingstonhsc.ca<mailto:Julia.foster at kingstonhsc.ca>
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From: Mahadeo Sukhai [mailto:Mahadeo.Sukhai at cnib.ca]
Sent: September-24-21 7:27 AM
To: Foster, Julia; laurabulk at gmail.com
Subject: Launch of the International Network of Researches with Visual Impairments and their Allies

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Hi Julia and Laura,
Forwarding the attached to you, if you're interested - Natalie Martiniello and I co-founded this group along with Bonnie Swenor from Johns Hopkins.
The first meeting is Monday 4 pm ET.

P.S. I aspire to and respect a healthy work life balance. I don't expect a reply to this email from you outside of your working hours.

Dr. Mahadeo A. Sukhai, Ph.D. (He/Him/His)
Director of Research and Chief Inclusion & Accessibility Officer
Acting Chief Privacy Officer
Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB)
1929 Bayview Avenue
Toronto, ON, M4G 3E8
Tel: 437-775-9097
Email: mahadeo.sukhai at cnib.ca
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/mahadeo-sukhai

September is Guide Dog Access Awareness Month - a time to educate Canadians on the rights of guide dog teams, and the rights and legal responsibilities of business owners. To learn more, visit: guidedogchampions.ca<http://guidedogchampions.ca>

Septembre est le Mois de sensibilisation à l'accès des chiens-guides - un moment pour sensibiliser les Canadiens aux droits des utilisateurs de chien-guide ainsi qu'aux responsabilités légales des entreprises. Pour en apprendre davantage, visitez : incachiensguides.ca<http://incachiensguides.ca>

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In response to restrictions being lifted across the country, Vision Loss Rehabilitation is now offering some in-person services by appointment only.
To learn more about our virtual care services or essential emergency services please visit www.visionlossrehab.ca
Follow us on Facebook<www.facebook.com/VisionLossRehabCanada>, Twitter<twitter.com/VisionLossRehab>, LinkedIn<www.linkedin.com/company/vision-loss-rehabilitation-ca>
En réponse a la levée des restrictions partout au pays, Réadaptation en déficience visuelle offre maintenant certains services en personne sur rendez-vous seulement.
Pour en savoir plus sur nos services de soins virtuels ou nos services d'urgence essentiels, veuillez visiter le www.visionlossrehab.ca
Suivez-nous sur Facebook<www.facebook.com/VisionLossRehabCanada>, Twitter<twitter.com/VisionLossRehab>, LinkedIn<www.linkedin.com/company/vision-loss-rehabilitation-ca>.

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