[community] Looking for resources/contacts for project on system navigation for students with blindness/low vision/vision loss and their families

Foster, Julia Julia.Foster at kingstonhsc.ca
Tue Jul 27 17:10:26 UTC 2021

Hi everyone,

We have two project-based OT students working with us this August to look at how children with blindness/low vision/vision loss and their families navigate the system. The goal would be to identify gaps/needs, generate recommendations, and start creating resources (e.g., resource that helps eye doctors provide information in a way that is understandable to teachers, pathways for different groups of students, etc.). Generally we are focused on resource development to support our population locally, but I imagine some of the resources are more broadly applicable and can be taken by others to adapt.

The students will be looking to 1) collect resources and 2) speak to stakeholders (e.g., families, providers, teachers, etc.). If anyone has any resources or contacts that might be useful for the students, please let us know! The students are copied.
Thanks and have a good day,
Julia Foster, MScOT, OT Reg. (Ont.)
Occupational Therapist
KHSC Vision Rehabilitation Clinic<http://ophthalmology.queensu.ca/faculty/physicians/lvr>, in support of the
South East Ontario Vision Rehabilitation Service (SOVRS)
Department of Ophthalmology
Kingston Health Sciences Centre-Hotel Dieu Site
166 Brock Street, Kingston, ON K7L 5G2
Telephone:  613-544-3400 ext. 2475
Fax: 613-887-2081
Email: Julia.foster at kingstonhsc.ca<mailto:Julia.foster at kingstonhsc.ca>
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