[community] Courses on Inclusive Design Experimental Techniques?

Foster, Julia Julia.Foster at kingstonhsc.ca
Tue Jul 6 01:03:36 UTC 2021

I did a short Participatory Action workshop a few years ago with the group listed below. I believe they also had resources and step by step for running Participatory Action Research. 
Course was with instructor Levana Saxon from http://www.practicingfreedom.org/
From: community [community-bounces at lists.idrc.ocadu.ca] on behalf of Brandon Keith Biggs [brandonkeithbiggs at gmail.com]
Sent: July 5, 2021 5:24 PM
To: Inclusive Design Community
Subject: [community] Courses on Inclusive Design Experimental Techniques?

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I am wondering if anyone knows of individual courses that someone can take
to learn about experimental techniques commonly used in the inclusive
design and accessibility fields (such as participatory design, interviews
and data analysis)?
Thank you,

Brandon Keith Biggs <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__brandonkeithbiggs.com_&d=DwICAg&c=JZUmuHfvZaOkNOGiUpQbGyGsM8Jf9oFbjpAib-DiM1Q&r=5721HXG-9m2dPCkUUuS-NFaUG3C_0O6kx_7W9Q5erpo&m=CMO_mCJIrf-inIiYJ6ORaFA5X3ngJ-wXfw51gXxXWlY&s=JW6km7XHtNXJPGYugWwCmzs0u5XaYwmYHhUto0pQCds&e= >
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