[community] Hiring Two Research Assistants - Innovating for Inclusive and Equitable Post-Secondary Education

Victoria Ho vho at ocadu.ca
Thu Dec 16 23:27:13 UTC 2021

Hi everyone, sending the below message on behalf of Maya Mahgoub-Desai (mdesai at ocadu.ca<mailto:mdesai at ocadu.ca>) and Cathy Cappon (ccappon at ocadu.ca<mailto:ccappon at ocadu.ca>).

Please share. A great opportunity for a researcher who is currently pursuing or has completed a relevant graduate program.
The review of applications will begin on Monday December 20, 2021 and the search will remain open until the position has been filled.


I am working with Cathy Cappon and ODESI (Office of Diversity, Equity and Sustainability Initiatives) on a federally funded project entitled Innovating for Inclusive and Equitable Post-Secondary Education: A Pathway to Realizing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The project is led by Eviance, our community collaborators include: the Council of Canadians with Disabilities, National Educational Association of Disabled Students, ARCH Disability Law Centre, Ryerson University, and St. Francis Xavier University.

We are seeking two research assistants to work with us on research relating to designing a roadmap for transformative organizational change by developing a human rights-based framework that can be applied across the post-secondary sector to address the persistent and ever-present educational barriers experienced by students with disabilities.

I am reaching out to you to see if there are any of your students that would have an interest in this type of work and collaborating as research assistants on this exciting project. We welcome your recommendations.

Please see the description of the project and required responsibilities at the following link: https://tre.tbe.taleo.net/tre01/ats/careers/v2/viewRequisition?org=OCADU&cws=37&rid=2214<https://can01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Ftre.tbe.taleo.net%2Ftre01%2Fats%2Fcareers%2Fv2%2FviewRequisition%3Forg%3DOCADU%26cws%3D37%26rid%3D2214&data=04%7C01%7Cvho%40ocadu.ca%7Cfc504471074e4c56e29408d9c0e594d9%7C06e469d12d2a468fae9b7df0968eb6d7%7C0%7C0%7C637752914534555994%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000&sdata=OdCoI16VnjhkQpqTSxYE%2B7HiMfuY4FfAp3nDL6petuc%3D&reserved=0>

Please feel free to reach out to me or Cathy Cappon with any questions.




Maya مايا माया  Mahgoub-Desai  (she/her/elle)

Chair, Environmental Design & Associate Professor, OCAD University

Senior Urban Designer & Planner, Moriyama Teshima Architects

Chef de département, design de l'environnement et professeur agrégé, université OCAD

Designer urbain, Moriyama Teshima Architects

OCAD U acknowledges the ancestral and traditional territories of the Mississaugas of the Credit, the Haudenosaunee, the Anishinaabe and the Huron-Wendat, who are the original custodians of the land on which the University historically operates.  I also acknowledge the ancestral and traditional lands of the Kanien’kehá:ka Nation who are the original custodians of Tiohtià:ke and the land and waters on which I (we) often live, work, play and create.

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