[community] Want to help build an accessible hackathon for Civic Tech Toronto?

Cybele S cybele.sack at gmail.com
Sat Apr 3 00:51:10 UTC 2021

Hello Inclusive Design Community.

Thanks to all those who attended our hack night last Tuesday for
onboarding; it was a great turnout.  We're going to run the same breakout
room a second time this Tuesday for anyone who wanted to attend but
couldn't make it last week.

Here's a Tweet you can share if you'd like:

Passionate about #accessibility
 and #UX
Love #research
 and #advocacy
Come help us #organize
@CivicTechTO #hackathon
Accessibility by Default on Tuesday April 6 from 7-9:30 PM. Let's build a
more #inclusive


Hope to see you there!

Best, Cybele.

On Sat, Mar 27, 2021 at 11:10 AM Cybele S <cybele.sack at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello Inclusive Design Community:
> Civic Tech Toronto, a volunteer-based organization, has chosen
> "Accessibility By Default" as their theme this year for their annual
> hackathon-type event.
> This theme came out of an effort that began this past fall to transform
> the organization towards greater accessibility.  This transformation work
> is still early-phase and this hackathon is a point on the roadmap of this
> journey.
> We are currently in the research phase and we would love to engage more
> designers and researchers in creating this event.
> If you are interested in joining a meeting to learn more, please get in
> touch and I can provide more information.  We have a hacknight this Tuesday
> from 7-9:30 PM where we will onboard people and do some research and you
> can find out more:
> https://www.meetup.com/Civic-Tech-Toronto/events/277157057/
> We also have weekly meetings on Thursdays from 7:30-9 PM for organizers if
> you would like to join the organizing team.
> We use a committee model, and currently active committees (all in research
> phase) include: sponsorship, hacking partners, speakers, community outreach
> & engagement, and programming (to develop the scaffold for the event).
> Please let me know if you have further questions and I look forward to
> hearing from you soon.
> Best, Cybele.
> cybele.sack at gmail.com

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