[community] Designing services for inter-sectionality

Greg Van Alstyne gvanalstyne at faculty.ocadu.ca
Thu Apr 1 23:45:16 UTC 2021

Hi John, 
Great question and great project possibilities. Sharing some ideas & I hope these are new to you &/or hit the spot.

For better anti-oppression grounding I've been connecting with the Design Justice Network, Sasha Costanza-Chock's book and the principles: https://designjustice.org/read-the-principles 

The Flourishing Business Canvas (FBC) from the Strongly Sustainable Business Models Group (SSBMG), draws evidence-based core criteria from The Natural Step (TNS). Recent material from The Natural Step goes deeper to addressing intersectionality, by means of better articulating System Condition #4 "In a Sustainable Society …there are no structural obstacles to people’s health, influence, competence, impartiality and meaning." https://thenaturalstep.org/approach/the-system-conditions/. sLab at OCAD U is fostering development of the FBC and related, original tools and methods. The initiative is achieving maturity with a large, globally distributed community of practice, peer-reviewed publications, and a Flourishing Enterprise Institute is forming. The Flourishing canvas takes Osterwalder's BMC and reworks / extends it with people / planet / profits criteria. There is also a "Lean for Flourishing" project branch. One starting point for canvas PDF, youtube videos, wiki, other online materials is https://slab.ocadu.ca/group/strongly-sustainable-business-model-group-ssbmg  

sLab's DesignJam develops toolsets and skillsets through facilitated, sponsored events: co-located F2F, online and hybrid. We blend service design, systemic design and strategic foresight in support of positive systems change through participatory design with communities. A notable example we coproduced with Generation Connection is #NorthJam:  https://designjam.ocadu.ca/events/403/northjam-collective-discussion-northern-ontario "How might we diversify our economic foundation, support young people in transition, build and foster diversity and revitalize downtown areas in Northern Ontario cities?"... DesignJam incubated as part of OCAD U's Campus Linked Accelerator (CLA) & we are currently using the COVID hiatus to move outside the university and fledge. We seek clients, partners and pathways to address UN SDGs in conscious interaction with 'deep shifts' including AI, data literacy, localism, IoT. https://designjam.ocadu.ca/ 

sLab and SFI people are co-founders of the Systemic Design Association. While Systemic Design epistemology / methodology is akin to service design, understands and does that stuff, SDA people are scholarly practitioners using systems & complexity science (including human sciences) to bring much-needed theoretical and ethical underpinning to policy frameworks, service architectures, delivery channels, with intention toward fairness, inclusivity, minimizing & mitigating unintended consequences. https://systemic-design.net/sda/ 

Together with SDA people, sLab's Peter Jones is a co-developer of the Systemic Design Toolkit 
Background, OCAD U connection - https://www.systemicdesigntoolkit.org/  
Main site - https://www.systemicdesigntoolkit.org/
Overview booklet - https://www.ellenmacarthurfoundation.org/assets/downloads/SystemicDesignToolkit-Guide-2019.pdf 

I'm interested to learn more about your plans...
All the best, 

Greg Van Alstyne  BA (Hons), MS  (he/his)
Associate Professor, Faculty of Design
Director, Strategic Innovation Lab (sLab) 
OCAD University, Toronto

On 2021-04-01, 8:22 AM, "community on behalf of John W (personal)" <community-bounces at lists.idrc.ocadu.ca on behalf of pickupwillis at gmail.com> wrote:

    Hello inclusive community,
    My team and I are looking for resources to integrate intersectionality into
    service design.  We work on public service delivery to marginalized
    individuals, and looking for ways to bring an anti-racism lens into our
    inclusive design work.
    > Do you recommend any specific tools or methods for designing services
    using an intersectional lens?  It's not difficult to locate general
    material but we'd like to build our tool library for use across the Ontario
    Public Service.
    We are especially interested in any work that would enable us to embed
    equity and intersectionality in business processes - e.g. are you aware of
    any work related to ongoing business processes in service systems,
    recommended customer feedback techniques , the use of LEAN or other
    continuous improvement methods, or.
    Also if you are aware of any key indicators or other evaluation frameworks
    for equity in social service delivery, that would be very much appreciated.
    *John D. Willis | CE CAIP MDes*
    Design & Innovation in Public Services
    Toronto CANADA
    Garbled text? My apologies - speech-to-text technology is still a work in
    Inclusive Design Community (community at lists.idrc.ocadu.ca)
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