[community] Cultivating the Margins: PPIG 2020 workshop in Toronto

Colin Clark cclark at ocadu.ca
Tue Jan 28 20:54:57 UTC 2020

Hi Inclusive Design Community,

This summer, we’ll be hosting a workshop on the topic of programming and inclusion. Here’s the call for proposals, in case any of you are interested in submitting a paper, artwork, or performance:


I hope to see you there,


PPIG 2020 Call for Papers

The 31st Annual Meeting of the Psychology of Programming Interest Group will be hosted for the first time in North America, at OCAD University's<https://www.ocadu.ca/> Inclusive Design Research Centre<https://idrc.ocadu.ca/> in Toronto, Canada, during the week of July 29-31, 2020.

Cultivating the Margins

The speed, growth, and increasing entanglement of computational systems is actively changing our work, social, political, and creative lives. Yet the apparent success of these systems in reshaping social and economic landscapes has also come with enormous costs—putting fair and stable employment, the veracity of information, respectful use of data, and democratic participation at risk. Perhaps the ways we create and study these systems, and the normative assumptions and values that are embedded within them, need to be reconsidered in a new light?

This critique has been present at PPIG for a while, from End User Programming, Live Coding, to even the idea of studying the psychology of programmers. We’ve always been a community that invites other perspectives on what it means to program, and we want to continue to extend this interest.

This year’s theme prompts us to reflect upon what we’re missing—the practices, theories, people, and technologies that have been excluded, set aside, or overlooked by mainstream programming research. What are the edges and limits of programming and programmed systems? Who has agency to participate in their creation and study, and who is relegated to the passive role of user or research subject?

What new or overlooked possibilities are growing at the margins of programming, away from the prevailing industrial and technoscientific values of speed, efficiency, measurability, and scale? What would an ecology of programming look like, in which we have a responsibility to cultivate communities, invite diverse perspectives, and grow a plurality of approaches and epistemologies?

The Psychology of Programming Interest Group (PPIG) was established in 1987 in order to bring together people from diverse communities to explore common interests in the psychological aspects of programming and in the computational aspects of psychology. “Programming”, here, is interpreted in the broadest sense to include any aspect of software creation. As always with PPIG, we accept the widest range of submissions on a variety of topics, such as:

Programming and human cognition
Programming education and craft skill acquisition
Human centered design and evaluation of programming languages, tools and infrastructure
Team/co-operative work in programming
End user programming
Distributed programming, programming distribution
Gender, age, culture and programming
New paradigms in programming
Code quality, readability, productivity and re-use
Mistakes, bugs and errors
Notational design
Unconventional interactions and quasi-programming
Non-human programming
Technology support for creativity
Music(al) programming
Liveness and interactivity in programming

We welcome the following categories of submissions:

Papers: No explicit limit - as long as the reader’s interest is maintained, usually < 10 pages
Reflections, artworks, and system demonstrations, typically 1 page abstract or < 2.5 days long, depending on the medium
Doctoral consortium submissions: Up to 2 pages long

Please use our templates<http://www.ppig.org/about/templates> for papers. Submissions for the workshop should be uploaded to EasyChair.

Important dates:

Abstract submission deadline: Wed 18 March 2020
Paper submission deadline: Wed 1 April 2020
Authors will be notified: Wed 29 April 2020
Conference: Wed 29 - Fri 31 July 2020 at OCAD University, Toronto, Canada. Room: Inclusive Design Institute, 49 McCaul St.<https://www.google.com/maps/place/49+McCaul+St,+Toronto,+ON+M5T+1V7/@43.6515832,-79.3922687,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x882b34cfbd1108d9:0x531bed87d797da81!8m2!3d43.6515793!4d-79.39008>

We look forward to seeing you in Toronto!

Colin Clark, Mariana Marasoiu, and Luke Church

Colin Clark
Associate Director
Inclusive Design Research Centre, OCAD University

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