[community] Invitation - Idea Jam: Toronto Public Library Voice Assistant

Winona McMorrow wmcmorrow at tpl.ca
Fri Jan 17 17:50:02 UTC 2020

Hi all:

Sharing this invitation from my colleagues in Toronto Public Library's Digital Innovation and Digital Services divisions.

Idea Jam: Toronto Public Library Voice Assistant

Take part in a day of learning and brainstorming for a Toronto Public Library voice assistant application.

Date: Sat. Jan. 18, 2020
Time: 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Location: North York Central Library, 5120 Yonge St., Room 101

Register on EventBrite<https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/idea-jam-tpl-voice-assistant-application-tickets-86166669829>.

About this event:

Toronto Public Library is hosting an Idea Jam to support Voice Tech TO on their community project to build a TPL voice assistant application prototype.

Voice Tech TO is a volunteer-driven organization consisting of individuals interested in voice assistant technology.

At this Idea Jam, you will:


- Learn about the current landscape of voice technologies
- Get an overview of user-centered design and voice product prototyping
- Learn about Voice Tech TO's TPL Voice Assistant project


- Work in groups to ideate and prototype a concept for a TPL Voice Assistant
- Present your concept and get feedback from advisors. Depending on participant skills, prototypes can include role play, audio recording, or be developed using accessible prototyping platforms.

Who can participate?

All are welcomed, whether you are an idea person, technical person, or both.

The purpose of this Idea Jam is to convene members of the public, including library users, and to bring them into a co-design process.

The Idea Jam is non-competitive.

Coffee and tea will be provided. Bring your own lunch.

How to register

Register on EventBrite<https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/idea-jam-tpl-voice-assistant-application-tickets-86166669829>.

Winona McMorrow (she/her)
Senior Services Specialist, Accessibility Services
Service Development & Innovation
Toronto Public Library
Tel 416-393-7101
TTY 416-393-7100
wmcmorrow at tpl.ca<mailto:wmcmorrow at tpl.ca>

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