[community] Community design crit - Jan. 14, UI options plugin icon design

Jonathan Hung jhung at ocadu.ca
Tue Jan 14 15:18:05 UTC 2020

Hi everyone,

I have attached 4 images to this email.

uioplus-icon-dark.png shows the UI Options icon against the default dark theme background in Google Chrome. The dark blue of the icon lacks sufficient contrast against the dark grey background. Any details of the icon are lost.

uioplus-icon-light.png shows the UI Options icon against the default light theme background in Google Chrome. While the dark blue icon has better contrast against the light grey background, the details of the icon itself are very not clear.

three-gears-24x24.png is an image of the current dark blue UI Options icon at 24x24 pixel resolution.

two-gears-24x24.png is a concept icon using 2 gears instead of 3 in an attempt to improve clarity, and a white stroke to improve contrast against dark backgrounds.

I hope this helps give some context to the discussion at today's crit.


From: Lisa Liskovoi <lliskovoi at ocadu.ca>
Sent: January 14, 2020 10:00 AM
To: Jonathan Hung <jhung at ocadu.ca>
Cc: Inclusive Design Community <community at lists.idrc.ocadu.ca>
Subject: Re: [community] Community design crit - Jan. 14, UI options plugin icon design

Thanks Jon, are there designs we can have a look at before the crit?



T 416 977 6000 x3961
E lliskovoi at ocadu.ca<mailto:lliskovoi at ocadu.ca>

100 McCaul Street, Toronto, Canada M5T 1W1

On Jan 14, 2020, at 9:58 AM, Jonathan Hung <jhung at ocadu.ca<mailto:jhung at ocadu.ca>> wrote:

Hi everyone,

For the design crit today, Tuesday January 14th 2pm to 3pm Eastern Time, we will be talking about the UI Options icon for the browser plugin. In particular there are 2 issues: the contrast, and the clarity of the icon.

You can join online via Zoom web conferencing: https://ocadu.zoom.us/j/727986784, or in person at the IDRC offices at 205 Richmond Street West, Toronto.

For more information on the Community design crits, please visit the Design Crit wiki page<https://wiki.fluidproject.org/x/HQC_B>.


- Jon.

Jonathan Hung, Inclusive Design Collaborator / Researcher
Email: jhung at ocadu.ca<mailto:jhung at ocadu.ca><mailto:jhung at ocadu.ca>
OCAD University
Inclusive Design Research Centre

Inclusive Design Community (community at lists.idrc.ocadu.ca<mailto:community at lists.idrc.ocadu.ca>)
To manage your subscription, please visit: https://lists.idrc.ocadu.ca/mailman/listinfo/community

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