[community] Community Meeting for Sept 1 - Care for the Future screening
Philip Tchernavskij
ptchernavskij at ocadu.ca
Mon Aug 31 17:40:36 UTC 2020
Hi everyone,
There will be a community meeting<https://wiki.fluidproject.org/display/fluid/Community+workshops+and+design+crits> tomorrow, Tuesday September 1, 2pm to 3:30pm EDT.
We’ll be screening a talk from the Allied Media Conference 2020 called “Care for the Future”, featuring speakers Loira Limbal<http://www.firelightmedia.tv/loira-limbal>, Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha<https://brownstargirl.org/>, and Veralucia Mendoza<https://www.linkedin.com/in/veraluciamendoza/>, hosted by Dani McClain<https://danimcclain.com/bio>. This highly intersectional discussion weaves together the perspectives of those who have lived experience of and advocate for disability justice, immigration rights, racial justice, queer and trans rights, and more – to talk about what care and mutual aid may look like in the future. The talk is 90 minutes long.
The description from the original event is:
We keep each other alive. Through mutual aid, through mothering, through the essential work of low-wage care providers and the care work of disabled kin for each other, Black and Brown communities have been honing the expertise to carry our world through the crisis of this pandemic to a future rooted in care. In particular, the femmes, the disabled, the queer and trans folks within our communities have done this labor and forged this genius. In this plenary conversation we will honor care work while resisting the urge to romanticize it. We will explore what needs to shift within our economy, political systems and our social justice movements to create the care-based world we need.
Meeting details:
Date: Tuesday September 1, 2020
Time: 2pm to 3:30pm EDT
Zoom Meeting URL: https://ocadu.zoom.us/j/727986784
Philip Tchernavskij
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