[community] Personal Identity and Music Industry - Second Part Uploaded

Kaveh Ashourinia ka11dk at student.ocadu.ca
Wed May 1 18:42:36 UTC 2019

Hello all,

As promised, the second part of the "Personal Identity and the Music
<http://quantization.ca/podcast/episode-six-identity-and-music-part2/>" is
now uploaded on Quantization <http://quantization.ca> website. Hope you
already listened to the first part
<http://quantization.ca/podcast/episode-six-identity-and-music/> of the
episode, which I doubt!

In this Episode, we have a conversation between *Carlie Howell* and *Vivek
Shraya*  on different areas relates to individuals and the music industry,
performing and facing the audience.

You can find Episode six - Part one here:

And Part Two Here:

You can subscribe to the podcast on iTunes at:

Please keep in touch, and share your thoughts with us!


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