[community] ReelAbilities Film Festival - free matinees for schools about disability and Deaf cultures

Rachel Lissner rachel.lissner at gmail.com
Thu Mar 21 19:55:47 UTC 2019

Hello, community!

My name is Rachel Lissner and I am the ReelEducation Coordinator for
Film Festival Toronto
RAFFTO is the largest festival in Canada that showcases disability and Deaf
cultures on the big screen and ReelEd is its educational program that
brings discourse around disability and inclusion to the classroom. ReelEd
has both local screenings as well as downloadable lesson plans
classrooms across North America.

We would love to invite classrooms in your networks to enjoy a film with us!

Our 2019 RAFFTO educational programming includes three days of matinees,
each geared toward a specific age group. Our ReelEducation events are
always *free* of cost.

*May 27 – 10 AM and 1 PM*
Al Green Theatre
MNJCC (Spadina Station)

Grades 1-4
Three short films (30 minutes)
Special guest speaker

*May 28 – 10 AM and 1 PM*
Innis College
University of Toronto (St. George Station)

Grades 4-8
Two short films (35 minutes)
Special guest performer

*May 29 – 10 AM*
Innis College
University of Toronto (St. George Station)

Grades 9-12
Two short films and one feature (104 minutes)
Special guest speaker

Whoever would like to come can simply email me <rachelL at mnjcc.org> (
rachelL at mnjcc.org) to register for the matinee. Please feel free to share
this widely in your networks. I also welcome ideas of who else to invite or
connect with.

We look forward to welcoming your community to our screenings!


Rachel Lissner
ReelEducation Program Coordinator
ReelAbilities Film Festival Toronto

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