[community] CCB Survey, Fwd: Last Chance for the Survey!

Treviranus, Jutta jtreviranus at ocadu.ca
Mon Mar 18 15:17:58 UTC 2019

The Canadian Council of the Blind is hoping to get input for their deliberations on accessible technology and employment. Please see below.


Begin forwarded message:

From: Michael Baillargeon <ambaillargeon at rogers.com<mailto:ambaillargeon at rogers.com>>
Subject: Last Chance for the Survey!
Date: March 18, 2019 at 11:14:24 AM EDT
To: "Treviranus, Jutta" <jtreviranus at ocadu.ca<mailto:jtreviranus at ocadu.ca>>

View this email in your browser<https://mailchi.mp/eb9fa38d3feb/important-survey-on-accessibility-and-assistive-technology-3413157?e=5561d6d2a1>

[CCB Logo]


Good Morning and Thank You,
Yes we’re being insistent, and we thank you for your patience as we work to get as many as possible to participate in this important CCB initiative.  Thank you to the 100’s who have completed the survey.

To those who haven’t, please join with other Canadians with sight loss, take a few minutes and please complete it today. Time is getting short. The survey must be completed no later than Monday  March 18.
The information you provide, your comments and suggestions are important – very important.

We are all seeking a better quality of life. Help us, help you as we advocate on your behalf. Complete the survey – Please!  Join us as we work together to change what it means to be blind.

Again thank you one and all. Your participation, consideration and efforts are welcomed and very much appreciated.

Best Regards,
Louise Gillis
CCB National President

Take the Survey Here!<https://ccbnational.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=271c3bc091388681a65bc11cc&id=e327aad2df&e=5561d6d2a1>

Dear Friends and Colleagues with Vision Loss,

As you know, the employment rate of Canadians who are blind, partially-sighted, and deaf-blind is very low, and the cost of assistive and accessible technology is very high. Given these facts, the CCB is endeavouring to better understand your thoughts, experiences, and goals in these matters so that we may advocate for you more effectively. We want to work with you towards a future with a higher employment rate for those with vision loss as well as increased accessibility and independence.

Our goal is to eliminate or minimize the barriers limiting those with vision loss from acquiring the education of their choice and from entering and thriving in today’s workforce. So help us help you and submit the survey below!

Tell us about your circumstances. Where you are and where do you want to go? We want to help you get there.

Click here to complete the survey!<https://ccbnational.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=271c3bc091388681a65bc11cc&id=368cb4d218&e=5561d6d2a1>

Please invest the 7 to 10 minutes it will take to complete the above survey by the new extended date of March 18, 2019. Once finished please forward this email to a friend with vision loss so they also can do it. With the accumulated information you will provide, we will be able to better understand the present status of Canadians with vision loss and to act accordingly. Thank you in advance for your participation.

All the best,


Louise Gillis
National President
Canadian Council of the Blind

Take the Survey Here!<https://ccbnational.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=271c3bc091388681a65bc11cc&id=9a955a88ea&e=5561d6d2a1>

[CCB 75th anniversary Logo]

Le sondage en français est disponible sur notre site Web


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