[community] Fwd: eCampus Ontario SXD lab workshop

Mitchell, Jess jmitchell at ocadu.ca
Mon Mar 11 21:33:04 UTC 2019

This Wednesday! This sounds really interesting...
Jess Mitchell
GMT - 4:00
+1.416.977.6000 x.3965
Senior Manager, R&D + Design
OCAD University, Toronto
Inclusive Design Research Centre
jmitchell at ocadu.ca<mailto:jmitchell at ocadu.ca>
skype: jesshmitchell

The My Meaningful Life Project

How might we help students find ownership of the future?
This is the question three OCAD U students started with when they began working with the eCampus Ontario SXD Lab, which led to the My Meaningful Life project.

To further develop this project, the eCampusOntario SXD Lab is looking for individuals active in the post-secondary education system to participate in a co-creation session for an interactive tool that uses futures thinking to facilitate self-reflection and personal images of the future.

The purpose of this workshop is to facilitate conversations around this work with a diverse group of

  *   educators,
  *   administrators,
  *   academic leaders.

Date: Wednesday, March 13, 2019
Time: 6pm-9pm (3 hours)
Location: eCampusOntario, 372 Bay St., 14th floor, Toronto, ON M5H 2W9

Dinner will be provided! All participants will be compensated with a $50 Amazon gift card.

More information in the attached document.

If you are interested in participating, please fill out a short form here by Sunday, March 11:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfcFK1PdIcZ3Bo_KN3e8bOs7criwTNRAiVUdU6EQfcvctEk4Q/viewform

Jess Mitchell
GMT - 4:00
+1.416.977.6000 x.3965
Senior Manager, R&D + Design
OCAD University, Toronto
Inclusive Design Research Centre
jmitchell at ocadu.ca<mailto:jmitchell at ocadu.ca>
skype: jesshmitchell

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