[community] Testing Automated tools for power point presentations?

Pina D'Intino pina.dintino at gmail.com
Thu Mar 1 12:02:28 UTC 2018

Thank you Lisa. I am aware of those options, but none are really geared towards good inspection tools for power points.

Common Look is getting better, but their focus has been on pdfs and they are pretty pricy.

Let’s keep looking and thank you for getting back to me.


Pina D’Intino, MDes, PMP, CPACC

Accessibility Strategist  and Consultant

t. 416.948.3348

e-mail: <mailto:pina at aequumaccess.com> Pina.dintino at gmail.com; pina at aequumaccess.com

 <http://www.aequumglobalaccess.com/> www.aequumglobalaccess.com


“Together we empower each other to reach our full potential.” D. Onley

Supporter of Barrier Free Canada (BFC) – www.barrierfreecanada.org    


From: L Snider [mailto:lsnider at gmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2018 9:02 PM
To: Pina D'Intino
Cc: Inclusive Design Community
Subject: Re: [community] Testing Automated tools for power point presentations?


Hi Pina,

I don't know of anything other than the accessibility checker in (PC and Mac) PowerPoint itself. There are tools like Commonlook that can bridge the gap between the PowerPoint and PDF, and are made specifically to make a more accessible PDF. I don't call it a checker as such, but it could be considered by some to be a checker, since it helps to check things in the PowerPoint. Most people I know don't use it due to cost. There are colour checkers one can use like the Colour Contrast Analyser, but I have found it to be buggy in both Mac and PC with different programs.

I would be curious if you find any others for PowerPoint.





On Wed, Feb 28, 2018 at 7:21 PM, Pina D'Intino <pina.dintino at gmail.com> wrote:

Hello IDRC colleagues and friends. I am trying to put together a list of
automated tools  and/or service providers that can be used to test
accessibility of  power  points specifically. Appreciate if anyone can share
some insights.



Pina D'Intino, MDes, PMP, CPACC

Accessibility Strategist  and Consultant

t. 416.948.3348

e-mail:Pina.dintino at gmail.com <mailto:e-mail%3APina.dintino at gmail.com> ; pina at aequumaccess.com
<mailto:pina at aequumaccess.com>

www.aequumglobalaccess.com <http://www.aequumglobalaccess.com/>


"Together we empower each other to reach our full potential." D. Onley

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