[community] Community design crit - June 19, Storytelling tool Colombia trip debrief (Part 2)
Hung, Jonathan
jhung at ocadu.ca
Mon Jun 18 18:20:34 UTC 2018
Hi everyone,
For the design crit Tuesday June 19, Michelle and Dana will continue sharing their experiences from Colombia where they visited two rural schools and attended a workshop in the city of Medellín, organised by Karisma. They will show some photos and talk about what they did with the students and at the workshop, and some of the issues that came up with the storytelling tool. Hopefully also discuss collectively next steps.
The meeting will be from 10:00am to 11:00am ET and will be hosted in the Collaboration room at 205 Richmond Street West (IDRC offices) in Toronto, and online in the Fluid-Standup Vidyo room.
To join us online, visit the fluid_standup<https://conf.inclusivedesign.ca/flex.html?roomdirect.html&key=xemU59x8DtnO41eCMtCpCioWaRI> Vidyo web conference room. If you have technical issues related to audio or video, please try Google Chrome to access the conference room.
For more information on the Community design crits, please visit the Design Crit wiki page<https://wiki.fluidproject.org/x/HQC_B>.
- Jon.
Jonathan Hung, Inclusive Designer
Email: jhung at ocadu.ca
OCAD University
Inclusive Design Research Centre
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