[community] Seeking a name

Treviranus, Jutta jtreviranus at ocadu.ca
Tue Jul 17 11:58:08 UTC 2018

I need help finding a name. 

As I’ve discussed with many of you, we are launching a lab school for inclusive life-long learning. It will be project based and provide an opportunity to explore and learn inclusive design in context. It will be structured as a global learning community and governed as a platform co-op, with members joining as both learners and educators. The members will be “radically diverse.” We have founding members from around the globe. 

There are many groups interested in participating and sponsoring the initiative, each from different perspectives:
- universities and colleges see it as a way to experiment with alternative forms of education without risk to current institutions
- the inclusive design community sees it as a means to create an inclusively designed educational experience unconstrained by current policies and structures (e.g., course length and timing, teaching assignments, grading and assessment, enrolment, etc.)
- industry sees it as a more grounded and flexible way to learn about inclusive design
- foundations and public institutions see it as a way to tackle complex problems and model more inclusive approaches to education
- different learners, including learners who have faced barriers to education, see it as a way to optimize their unique learning potential and goals.

We are also devising ways to tackle financial inclusion through our membership structure, whereby a corporate membership also finances a scholarship, so we can be more inclusive.

Several degree granting institutions are interested in granting degrees for requisite aggregate credits. 

We are working to launch a pilot toward the end of this calendar year with a one week intensive in inclusive design. 
The host entity for now is the Inclusive Design Institute with its 8 postsecondary institution partnership. https://inclusivedesign.ca

We have used the descriptive label “Lab School for Inclusive Life-long Learning,” in initially socializing the plans. We chose Lab School to denote the experimental or exploratory nature of the school (similar to the Child Studies Institute for K-12), but Lab denotes a sterile, separate space, and this will be anything but that. The name is also too long. 

I’m appealing to your collective creativity and brilliance.  Can you think of a good name for this venture that somehow eludes labelling?


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