[community] Best Practices for Describing Art in Alt Text

Andrea Lamarre alamarre at uoguelph.ca
Mon Nov 13 20:02:33 UTC 2017

Hello all,

I am wondering if anyone has come across best practices for describing art in alternative text? I can find many examples of best practices for alternative text in general but not for art specifically.

I want to do justice to the art but I am not always sure what the intention of the artist was in creating the piece, nor am I always sure myself what the elements of the art piece are. I am trying to balance respect for artistry and respect for accessibility. My words about the art will necessarily be coloured by my own interpretation of the piece.

Any thoughts would be very welcome.

Thank you!


Andrea LaMarre

PhD Candidate, FRHD

Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition

University of Guelph

Knowledge Mobilization Coordinator

ReVision Centre for Art and Social Justice

alamarre at uoguelph.ca

519 993 6435

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