[community] Art show with some inclusive design in its approach

Foster, Julia jfoster at ocadu.ca
Mon Nov 6 16:52:30 UTC 2017

Read below for a bit about an upcoming art show called Rethink Recovery<http://lakeshorearts.ca/november-rethink-recovery/> - the reception is November 9th, but it runs most of November. Some info from the website below, more on the website.

The show "challenges existing cultural and medical assumptions of what it means to be "recovered". Inspired by the artist's personal experience of surviving a traumatic experience and living with chronic illness, this collection chronicles in real-time her stages of recovery."

"Accessibility components: barrier free entrance, scent free environment, audio description, touch and multi-sensory components and interactive workshops - allowing for audiences to experience the art in multiple ways."

Julia Foster, MScOT, OT Reg. (Ont.)
Coordinator, Vision Technology Service & SNOW
Inclusive Design Research Centre
205 Richmond ST. W., 2nd Floor, Toronto, ON M5V 1V3

Telephone: 416 977 6000 x3966<tel:416%20977%206000%20x3966>
Fax: 416 977 9844<tel:416%20977%209844>
Email: jfoster at ocadu.ca<mailto:jfoster at ocadu.ca>

Vision Technology Service<http://idrc.ocad.ca/index.php/services/33-services/57>
Employment Accommodation Service<http://idrc.ocad.ca/index.php/services/34-services/consultation/58>
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OCAD University<http://www.ocadu.ca/>

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