[community] FW: You're invited to CC Canada Presents: Fireside chat with David Wiley (Jan 11, 2017)

Foster, Julia jfoster at ocadu.ca
Thu Jan 5 16:37:24 UTC 2017

Open Education Resources event hosted by Creative Commons.

From: Creative Commons Canada [mailto:invite at eventbrite.com]
Sent: January 4, 2017 4:45 PM
To: Foster, Julia <jfoster at ocadu.ca>
Subject: You're invited to CC Canada Presents: Fireside chat with David Wiley (Jan 11, 2017)


You are invited to the following event:
CC Canada Presents: Fireside chat with David Wiley <https://www.eventbrite.com/e/cc-canada-presents-fireside-chat-with-david-wiley-tickets-30901990686?ref=enivte001&invite=MTEyOTgxMTEvamZvc3RlckBvY2FkdS5jYS8w&utm_source=eb_email&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=invitemodernv2&utm_term=eventpage>

Event to be held at the following time, date, and location:

Wednesday, January 11, 2017 from 5:00 PM to 7:30 PM (EST)

483 Queen Street West
Toronto, ON M5V 2A9

View Map<http://maps.google.com/maps?q=483+Queen+Street+West,+Toronto,+ON+M5V+2A9+Canada&hl=en>

Attend Event <https://www.eventbrite.com/e/cc-canada-presents-fireside-chat-with-david-wiley-tickets-30901990686?ref=enivte001&invite=MTEyOTgxMTEvamZvc3RlckBvY2FkdS5jYS8w&utm_source=eb_email&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=invitemodernv2&ref=enivte001&utm_term=attend>





Creative Commons Canada presents a fireside chat with David Wiley from Lumen Learning.

Dr. David Wiley is Chief Academic Officer of Lumen Learning<http://lumenlearning.com/>, an organization dedicated to increasing student success, reinvigorating pedagogy, and improving the affordability of education through the adoption of open educational resources by schools, community and state colleges, and universities. He is also currently the Education Fellow at Creative Commons and adjunct faculty in Brigham Young University's graduate program in Instructional Psychology and Technology, where he leads the Open Education Group<http://openedgroup.org/> (and was previously a tenured Associate Professor). Find him at @open_content<https://twitter.com/opencontent>

Interviewing David is Toronto-based CC CEO Ryan Merkley.

Ryan Merkley is Chief Executive Officer at Creative Commons.<https://creativecommons.org/> His vision is of a vibrant, usable commons powered by collaboration and gratitude. Under his leadership, CC has nearly tripled the number of individual donors, and the commons grew to over 1.1 billion licensed works<https://stateof.creativecommons.org/2015/>. The organization is working to renew and grow its global community in key areas of education, open access, and arts and culture with new tools for discovery and collaboration and a focus on movement-building. Find him @RyanMerkley<https://twitter.com/ryanmerkley>

Co-hosted with E-Campus Ontario

Share this event on Facebook<http://www.facebook.com/share.php?u=https%3A//www.eventbrite.com/e/cc-canada-presents-fireside-chat-with-david-wiley-tickets-30901990686%3Fref%3Desfb> and Twitter<http://twitter.com/home?status=https%3A//www.eventbrite.com/e/cc-canada-presents-fireside-chat-with-david-wiley-tickets-30901990686%3Fref%3Destw>

We hope you can make it!

Creative Commons Canada



This invitation was sent to jfoster at ocadu.ca<mailto:jfoster at ocadu.ca> by Creative Commons Canada <http://www.eventbrite.com/org/12626901896> the organizer. To stop receiving invitations from this organizer, you can unsubscribe<http://www.eventbrite.com/inviteunsubscribe?email=jfoster%40ocadu.ca&oid=12539128&sig=AGNbPwEi6912MGZuOWVovb9hZi_BzFAEIw&invite_id=11298111>.

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