[community] Reminder: Guest lecture by Lainey Feingold

Treviranus, Jutta jtreviranus at ocadu.ca
Sun Feb 5 03:34:33 UTC 2017

Structured Negotiation with Lainey Feingold

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Thursday, February 9, 2017
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
OCAD U. Central Hall (room 230)<https://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=43.653000,-79.391170>

100 McCaul Street, Toronto, ON (map<https://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=43.653000,-79.391170>)


Join us as we welcome US disability rights lawyer Lainey Feingold along with our friends at OCAD / IDRC.

Lainey will give an up-to-date look at how the law is being used in the United States on accessibility issues, and will share success stories from her new book, Structured Negotiation, a Winning Alternative to Lawsuits. (It includes mentions of Canadian advocacy!)

Lainey is a lawyer and long-time advocate who has used her expertise and brought her passion to making the digital landscape more accessible.

Instead of filing lawsuits, Lainey has pioneered “Structured Negotiation." A process that has been used to advance accessibility for twenty years as a way of resolving legal claims with collaboration and relationship building.

Visit Lainey's website, LFLegal.com<http://lflegal.com>, or follow Lainey on Twitter at @LFLegal<https://twitter.com/lflegal>.

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