[community] FW: FW: TIME SENSITIVE - Call for Proposals to the STLHE 2017 Conference

Foster, Julia jfoster at ocadu.ca
Fri Nov 18 20:54:40 UTC 2016

For anyone interested in inclusive education and technology in post-secondary education, please see the proposal below.
From: Dalhousie Faculty [mailto:STLHE-PROPOSALS at KIL-LSV-1.UCIS.DAL.CA<mailto:STLHE-PROPOSALS at KIL-LSV-1.UCIS.DAL.CA>] On Behalf Of Fiona Black
Sent: Friday, November 18, 2016 2:42 PM
Subject: TIME SENSITIVE - Call for Proposals to the STLHE 2017 Conference
Importance: High


STLHE 2017 Call for Proposals

We are pleased to announce the call for proposals for the upcoming STLHE 2017 annual conference that will be held in Halifax, NS through a partnership of Dalhousie University, Saint Mary's University, Mount Saint Vincent University, the Nova Scotia Community College, NSCAD University, Université Sainte-Anne, and the University of King's College.

Our conference theme this year is "Gateways in Higher Education: Cultures, Transitions and Transformations."

The metaphor of gateway is used widely to represent passages from one location to another, from one undertaking to another, from one way of life to another. In the realms of the theory and practice of technology, pedagogy, and assessment, it seems as though higher education is continually at the gateway, a liminal space, where possibility and advancement is available. What is the role of the post-secondary institutions, classrooms, teachers in supporting the students in their quest for higher learning? Understanding where we have come from and where we are now is key to understanding where we are going, and how we can develop and change over the next century to meet the needs of our changing student demographics.

We invite conference participants to engage in questions such as these, and considerations of our collective contributions to social, political, economic and human wellbeing in the unique context of Halifax—a place that combines real and metaphorical gateways with a 200-year history of providing opportunities for higher education.

Proposals can be submitted for half-day and full-day pre-conference workshops, and for interactive workshops, research presentations, Pecha Kucha sessions, and posters during the main conference. The proposal submission site will be live in the next couple of weeks as part of the main conference site.

Proposals will be due 12 December 2016.

For more information, please visit our conference site at: www.stlhe2017sapes.ca<http://www.stlhe2017sapes.ca>.

Sincerely (and on behalf of the Conference Steering Committee),
Brad Wuetherick
Dalhousie University
STLHE/SAPES 2017 Co-Chair


[Email]<mailto:stlhe2017 at smu.ca>



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Julia Foster, BMSc, MSc OT, OT Reg. (Ont.)
Occupational Therapist

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