[community] Revisiting the discussion about blockchains...

Liskovoi, Lisa lliskovoi at ocadu.ca
Wed Jun 29 15:33:02 UTC 2016

Hi all,

Some of you may be interested in the events Blockchain Canada and Bitmaker are running on the topic in July: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/blockchain-canada-presents-ethereum-in-action-tickets-26020553175?aff=ebc



T 416 977 6000 x3961
E lliskovoi at ocadu.ca<mailto:lliskovoi at ocadu.ca>

100 McCaul Street, Toronto, Canada M5T 1W1

On Jun 16, 2016, at 8:41 AM, John W (personal) <pickupwillis at gmail.com<mailto:pickupwillis at gmail.com>> wrote:

+1, the potential of this technology in grassroots and participatory
service design is enormous -

Consider, e.g. how a bottom-up, networked blockchain strategy could
promote equity/access by integration of local services at the level of
individual needs/preferences (Challenge: redraw interpret the
potential of blockchain technology in Toronto's poverty reduction
strategy - https://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=6&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwj99uGkx6zNAhWJpYMKHSQlAIoQFgg7MAU&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.povertyreductionto.ca%2Fuploads%2F2%2F0%2F7%2F8%2F20780132%2Fto_prs_access_to_services_paper.pdf&usg=AFQjCNEObGLM0_6Z-6qa0IPJb0aPHVKAew)

I recommend Henry Chesbrough and Eric Von Hippel's site Open
Innovation has a collection of links to recent literature on
innovation in services and developing 'everything as a service' (XaaS)
- http://openinnovation.net/category/open-services-innovation/

On Jun 15, 2016, at 20:35, Ather Shabbar <ather.shabbar at gmail.com<mailto:ather.shabbar at gmail.com>> wrote:

This is one way to reduce the size of government!  The role of legislators
as intermediary - it's like the "wild west".

On Fri, Jun 10, 2016 at 10:10 AM, Jutta Treviranus <jutta.trevira at gmail.com<mailto:jutta.trevira at gmail.com>>

Last year I broached the topic of blockchains to many people on this list,
asking what the implications and opportunities were for inclusive design.
How could we make use of a fully decentralized immutable technical system
without intermediaries (e.g., trusted diversification of academic
credentialing without academic institutions as gatekeepers) and what were
the risks for an area currently dependent on regulations for intermediaries
(e.g., regulating UBER for ridesharing vs. a completely distributed person
to person ridesharing system)?

Several of you gave very good arguments for dismissing blockchain
technologies. I spoke to Tim Berners Lee about the implications of
blockchains at the WWW2016 conference and he maintained that the same
functionality can be derived from existing Web technologies and standards.
He said the same later in his keynote address.

Since then Don Tapscott and his son have released a book on the potential
of blockchains:

….and our friends at the Internet Archive co-hosted a summit on the topic
(unfortunately I couldn’t go because of all the things happening here this
week) that included Tim, Vint Cerf, Brewster Kahle and others. See:
http://www.decentralizedweb.net <http://www.decentralizedweb.net/>

I wanted to revisit this discussion…. not necessarily limited to the use
of blockchains specifically (for one thing the power consumption of
maintaining and growing them seems to be prohibitive) but how to achieve
the functions that blockchains promised.

What are your thoughts?


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