[community] AccessTO Research study

Foster, Julia jfoster at ocadu.ca
Thu Feb 25 20:18:40 UTC 2016

See below for a study on the usability of a website that rates restaurant accessibility in Toronto. Pass along as appropriate.

From: Hardeep Singh [mailto:hardeepk.singh at mail.utoronto.ca]
Sent: February-25-16 3:08 PM
To: Foster, Julia <jfoster at ocadu.ca>
Cc: Jane Tam <jzy.tam at mail.utoronto.ca>
Subject: AccessTO Research study

Hi Julia,

Jane Tam and I (Hardeep Singh) are MScOT students at the University of Toronto. We are conducting a research study to examine the factor that influence the usability of the AccessTO website under the supervision of Barry Trentham and Jill Stier. We are currently recruiting participants for this study and were hoping you might be able to post this flyer in OCAD or email it to students, if possible. Please see the link to access our flyer below:


Thank you for your help.

Hardeep and Jane

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