[community] ICCHP 2016

D'Intino, Pina pina.dintino at scotiabank.com
Thu Feb 25 16:01:52 UTC 2016

Hello Deb, How are you? Hope you are doing well too, but I suspect this invitation was for someone else. Is this correct?

Pina D'Intino, MDes, PMP, ITIL Certified | 
Scotiabank | Vendor Management and Compliance
2201, Eglinton Ave. East, Toronto, ON, Canada, M1l 4S2 

T 416.288.3615 M 416.948.3348 
pina.dintino at scotiabank.com

* Scotiabank is the business name used by The Bank of Nova Scotia

-----Original Message-----
From: community [mailto:community-bounces at lists.idrc.ocadu.ca] On Behalf Of dfels at ryerson.ca
Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 2016 8:11 PM
To: Inclusive Design Community
Subject: Re: [community] ICCHP 2016

How are you doing? Do you want  to try and meet soon?

- Deb
Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

-----Original Message-----
From: Elizabeth Morris <em14ma at student.ocadu.ca>
Sender: community <community-bounces at lists.idrc.ocadu.ca>
Date: Wed, 24 Feb 2016 20:05:06 
To: Inclusive Design Community<community at lists.idrc.ocadu.ca>
Reply-to: Inclusive Design Community <community at lists.idrc.ocadu.ca>
Subject: Re: [community] ICCHP 2016

Hi Deb,

I am not sure if you meant to send this email to me as well. Please let me know. Thanks.

> On Feb 23, 2016, at 3:59 PM, Deborah Fels <dfels at ryerson.ca> wrote:
> HI all,
> Thanks for sharing all of the interesting articles you have discovered.
> I am helping to organize the young researchers consortium at ICCHP 2016
> this year in Linz, Austria. Would love to have some of you join us. You can
> find more info at: http://www.icchp.org/yrc-16
> Cheers,
> - Deb
> -- 
> Deborah Fels, PhD. P.Eng.
> Professor, Ted Rogers School of Information Technology Management
> Director, Inclusive Media and Design Centre
> Ryerson University
> 55 Dundas St. W. rm 3-090
> Toronto, ON
> M5B 2K3
> 416.979.5000 x 7619
> ________________________________________
> Inclusive Design Community (community at lists.idrc.ocadu.ca)
> To manage your subscription, please visit: http://lists.idrc.ocadu.ca/mailman/listinfo/community

Inclusive Design Community (community at lists.idrc.ocadu.ca)
To manage your subscription, please visit: http://lists.idrc.ocadu.ca/mailman/listinfo/community
Inclusive Design Community (community at lists.idrc.ocadu.ca)
To manage your subscription, please visit: http://lists.idrc.ocadu.ca/mailman/listinfo/community

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