[community] will this finally make Braille affordable?

Peter Pennefather p.pennefather at gmail.com
Wed Feb 10 14:23:03 UTC 2016

Here is a description of another attempt to make tactile screens

Mashing up the two approaches might increase development options
Imagine tactile fonts.

Peter Pennefather,
Academic Director, Laboratory for Collaborative Diagnostics
Professor, Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy
University of Toronto, 144 College St, Toronto, ON.
cell 647-773-3987; office 416-946-7840
p.pennefather at utoronto.ca

On Wed, Feb 10, 2016 at 8:55 AM, Treviranus, Jutta <jtreviranus at ocadu.ca>

> See:
> http://www.engin.umich.edu/college/about/news/stories/2015/december/bringing-braille-back-with-a-better-display-technology
> Jutta
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