[community] FW: Surveys for Study: Technology-enabled innovations to assist children with visual impairments in the Philippines
Foster, Julia
jfoster at ocadu.ca
Thu Dec 22 16:03:42 UTC 2016
If you have vision loss and are learning/have learned how to read Braille and/or are teaching others to use Braille, please consider filling out the survey below. The deadline is tomorrow, but I'm hoping they may take surveys submitted later. I'll send an update if I hear back about timing.
Have a good day,
Julia Foster, MScOT, OT Reg. (Ont.)
Coordinator, Vision Technology Service & SNOW
Inclusive Design Research Centre
205 Richmond ST. W., 2nd Floor, Toronto, ON M5V 1V3
Telephone: 416 977 6000 x3966<tel:416%20977%206000%20x3966>
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Email: jfoster at ocadu.ca<mailto:jfoster at ocadu.ca>
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Hello Liz,
I hope you're doing well. I have prepared surveys that aim to identify the literacy needs of the children of the Philippines and Canada. Once results from these questionnaires have been collected, the results from the Philippines and Canada will be compared. Then, a universal device that can help children with visual impairments in both countries learn how to read will be created. Below are the three surveys that my team has created.
1. Persons below the age of 18 with visual impairments who are learning how to read using Braille
2. Persons of any age with visual impairments who have learned how to read using Braille (individuals who learned to read without visual impairment may not participate)
3. People who teach reading using Braille to persons with visual impairments (eg. teacher, parent of child with visual impairment, etc.)
It would be greatly appreciated if you could distribute these links to anyone who might be suitable for this study. If they have any questions or concerns, please ask them to send me an email at rhianne.lopez at queensu.ca<mailto:rhianne.lopez at queensu.ca>. It would be best if surveys could be completed by December 23, 2016.
Thank you in advance for your help!
Best regards,
Rhianne (Annie) Lopez
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