[community] Fwd: Spotlight on Invisible Disabilities Project - Webinar Invite December 12th 12 pm EST

Treviranus, Jutta jtreviranus at ocadu.ca
Mon Dec 12 12:43:01 UTC 2016

Dear all,
The IDRC is a partner in a consultation process regarding accessibility for persons with invisible disabilities,  as part of the federal process to establish Canadian accessibility legislation. Below is an invitation to a Webinar hosted by CHHA to launch the consultation.

all the best,

Begin forwarded message:

From: Christianne Scholfield <cscholfield at chha.ca<mailto:cscholfield at chha.ca>>
Subject: Spotlight on Invisible Disabilities Project - Webinar Invite December 12th 12 pm EST
Date: December 6, 2016 at 10:43:49 AM EST

Dear Valued Spotlight Project Partners,

Please find included a link to CHHA’s invitation<http://us14.campaign-archive1.com/?u=69a70c189de5124370428687a&id=7ff389f8ff&e=00c32b71b5> to join in the conversation at the inaugural Webinar taking place on December 15th at 12 p.m. EST.   I do hope that you and your members can participate. If you are unable to attend, simply register and a link will be sent post-event to access the recorded webinar at your convenience.

We invite you to share the invitation with all your members and networks. In addition, you could share our post on Facebook or Twitter.

I have also included a Spotlight Project One pager.

Best regards,

Christianne Scholfield
Project Manager – Spotlight on Invisible Disabilities
Gestionnaire de projets – Surbrillance sur les incapacités invisibles
Canadian Hard of Hearing Association-National
Association des malentendants canadiens
1.800.263.8068 | cscholfield at chha.ca<mailto:cscholfield at chha.ca> | www.chha.ca

[cid:4c76dec7-4763-445e-b159-399fe8310f22 at ocadu.ca]

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