[community] Community Design Crit - Dec. 6, 2016

Hung, Jonathan jhung at ocadu.ca
Mon Dec 5 22:05:35 UTC 2016

Hi everyone,

For tomorrow's design crit, we will be talking again about Privacy Needs and Preferences. For additional information on this topic, please see the (Floe) Privacy Needs and Preferences<https://wiki.fluidproject.org/display/fluid/%28Floe%29+Privacy+Needs+and+Preferences> wiki page.

The meeting will be from 10am to 11:30 Eastern Time and will be hosted in the Collaboration room at 205 Richmond Street West (IDRC offices) in Toronto, and online in the Fluid-Standup Vidyo room.

On December 20th, we will be discussing track shape text descriptions for the Energy Skate Park PhET sim.

To join the conversation online, please download and install the Vidyo app<https://conf.inclusivedesign.ca/> on your computer or portable device first. Then join the Vidyo conference in the fluid_standup<https://conf.inclusivedesign.ca/flex.html?roomdirect.html&key=xemU59x8DtnO41eCMtCpCioWaRI> room.

For more information on the Community design crits, please visit the Design Crit wiki page<https://wiki.fluidproject.org/x/HQC_B>.


- Jon.

Jonathan Hung, Inclusive Designer
Email: jhung at ocadu.ca<mailto:jhung at ocadu.ca>
OCAD University
Inclusive Design Research Centre

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